1 パ・ド・ヴァルス(The Pas de Valse) 

 ア 前進の場合(括弧内は、右足からのとき) 

(1) 左足(右足)をLODへ踵からステップする 
(2) 上体を左に(右)にまわしながら、右足(左足)をLODへステップ 
(3) 左足(右足)を右足(左足)踵(後第3ポジション)にクローズし、ライズする 

 イ 後退の場合(括弧内は、右足からのとき) 

(1) 左足(右足)を後ろへステップする 
(2) 右まわり(左まわり)をしながら、右足(左足)を横(逆LOD)へステップする 
(3) 左足(右足)踵を右足(左足)爪先(前第5ポジション)にクローズする

2 ナチュラル・ターンのステップ(The Steps of the Natural Turn)
 ア ロータリー・ターン 

(1) 左足をLODラインをまたぐように右まわりしながらステップする。 
(2) 右にまわりながら、右足の爪先を左足踵にクローズする(右足後第5ポジション) 。 
(3) 両足爪先で右まわりに回転(ピボット)し重心を左足に移しながら、足のポジショ 

 イ プログレッシブ・ターン 

(1) 右足を踵からLODへステップ(右足前第4ポジション)する。 
(2) 右にまわりながら、左足をLOD(横)へステップする。(爪先は円外斜めLOD 
(3) 右足踵を左足爪先にクローズする(右足前第5ポジション)。 
 ※ 女性は、プログレッシブ・ターンから始め、男性はロータリー・ターンから始めます。
3 リヴァース・ターンのステップ(The Steps of the Reverse Turn)
 ア プログレッシブ・ターン 

(1) 左足を踵からLODへステップ(右足前第4ポジション)する。 
(2) 左にまわりながら、右足をLOD(横)へステップする。(爪先は、円内斜めLODを向 
(3) 左足踵を右足爪先にクローズする(左足前第5ポジション)。 

 イ ロータリー・ターン 

(1) 右足をLODラインをまたぐように左まわりしながらステップする。 
(2) 左にまわりながら、左足の爪先を右足踵にクローズする(左足後第5ポジション)。 
(3) 両足爪先で左まわりに回転(ピボット)し重心を右足に移しながら、足のポジション 
 Undoubtedly the Old Time or Rotary Waltz is the most vital single element in Old Time Dancing. It is the
basis of the  round dancing in which waltz steps occur and is in itself a complete dance with a character
 and atmosphere of its own.
 The foot positions are devised from ballet dancing but modified to fit the ballroom dances of today, the
 continuous turning of the body  throughout each part of the turn, the foot placing, and the correct use
of the knees, have combined to make a dance of immense fascination and charm.
◎The Pas de Valse
 An important group of three steps.
Step forward - step forward - close opposite foot to a rear position.
Step back - step back - close opposite foot to a rear position.
 It is used as a link between Waltz turns, and occurs in many dancing in which the movement is danced Solo.
 When danced Solo it is a much move traveled movement than when waltzing.
 ( Pas = Step ; de = of ; Valse = Waltz )

1 左足トー方向線を指し、方向線に沿って前進(ヒールから入る。)。
2 上体を左に回しつつ、左足トー方向線を指して前進(b.o.f.)
3 左足トー中央を指し、後第3に閉じ、ライズする。
 (以上が左足からのパ・ド・ブァルスである。バリータの資料を読むと更に  詳しく理解できるでしょう。)

 The aspirant for competition and medal test honors should carefully study the following technical points
; the novice can gain move proficiency when he or she has begun to combine the turns and to get the feel
of the dance.
○The Rotary Part of the Turn
 This is the most difficult part of the turn to control. The first step always moves across the L.O.D,
 since the body turn as the step is taken it has the feeling of moving sideways with a slight outwards
curving to the track of the foot. The ball of the foot skims the  floor, the heel is lowered as the next
 step moves the knee relaxes slightly as the leg takes the weight.
 The second step is taken with a slightly bent knee bringing toe only to the heel of the first step. Keep
 the knee out and bring the hip and shoulder back as the leg is moving begin to straighten the knee as the
 weight  is transferred.
 The third step is rather a continuation of the turn through the solos of both feet (technically known as
 a pivot). With both knees very slightly relaxed, continue the outwards movement of the knee until the
pivot is completed. The heel of the third step is lowered to the floor before the body moves forward into
the progressive turn. It should be rotted that if the pivot is under turned the resulting foot position
 will be a 3rd pos. instead of the 5th pos.. Which should be danced when waltzing.

○The Progressive Part of the Turn
 The first step is not a long step and is taken rather across the 
body and underneath the partner.
 The second step is some what lateral in movement, it is the most 
traveled step of the turns.
 The third step is a closed step(5th pos.).
○Essentials of Footwork
Progressive part of turn
 1  Heel - ball of foot
 2  Ball of foot
 3  Ball of foot - whole foot
Rotary part of turn
 1  Ball of foot - whole foot
 2  Toe - ball of foot
 3  Ball of foot - whole foot
 There is slight foot and body rise on the 2nd beat of the bar. This occurs when dancing the Rotary turn
immediately after the toe of the second step is in position. Rise is  felt slightly earlier on the
Progressive turn.

 Pas Glisse
 This is a movement of two steps. Step one foot to the side and then close the other foot to the 3rd pos.
 front, without transferring the weight of the body to the closing foot. The closing foot will 
then move to another position,either a point position or as a definite step into another movement.
 Footwork to side on inside edge of ball of foot lower to inside edge of foot and then take the weight to
the whole foot. the closing is 
made with slight pressure on the ball of foot ; do not lower the heel.
 Pas Glissade
 This is the Pas Glisse but with transference of weight to the 
closing foot, thus leaving the rear foot free to move into the next movement.
 Footwork ; close with pressure on ball of foot, then lower to the whole of foot. As the heel of the
clothing foot is lowered the heel of the near foot is slightly raised from the floor.
 This will give a softer action to the movement.
 In both the Pas Glisse and the Pas Glissade the body is inclined slightly over the closing foot.
 The Balance
 A movement of two steps.
 Step forward, then close other foot to 3rd or 5th pos. rear without transferring the weight of the body
to the closing foot.
 Footwork ; Pressure on the heel when moving forward, transferring the weight to the whole foot, with the
 body upright. As the close is made, brass the muscles at the waist and rise to the ball of the forward
foot. Lower the heel of the forward foot as the rear foot moves backward into the next movement.

 Beat 3 Pivoting round to L. , weight on R. L.,change feet from that position to opposite position.